Monday, August 17, 2009

The Gym

The other day I was at the gym, keeping to myself, and enjoying my workout when a woman got on the cardio machine next to me. I continued my workout not really thinking anything of it when.....I hear someone singing. Yes, singing!!! I know what you are thinking, she probably had her ipod on super loud and didn't realize she was singing. So, I quickly glance over to give her a hint that she is singing way to loud when I realize that her eyes are closed. This little tiny lady singing at the top of her lungs about praising Jesus, with her eyes closed, and her body swaying, all while on the treadmill. Pretty impressive huh???


Shanna said...

first off love the picture. secondly that is too funny! I would have died laughing. I could just see you Katie!

Rachelle said...

Don't you always sing and priase jesus while you run on the tradmill?! I totally do!!! It is the perfect time and situation to dio it of course!!! ha ha

Jeff and Diana said...

ok first off that picture you chose is NASTY! and second i LOVE Ez climbing, that is so dang cute!

Jeff and Diana said...

i just read first comment. that is funny we said the same thing!

Anonymous said...

What a riot! I bet that had you laughing for days. Great story!!!

Shanna said...

did you get your disc in the mail?