Sunday, April 27, 2008

Little Lukers

As all of you know I have been MIA for the last several months. But, I have decided to recommit myself to blogging and so here we go. I plan on attmepting to catch up in a series of posts over the next couple of days, but we will see. I am just going to start with some random pictures of my little Luke. He is getting so big and he is cute as ever. My mom (who is an amazing photographer) took these super cute pictures of Luke at Ezra's birthday and I just had to post them.


Tristen said...

I am sooo glad that you have decided to recommit!! Yay! We still need to get together and play!!! Missed ya while you were away!!

Heather said...

OOH I AM SOO GLAD you are back! i check all the time! YAY HORRAY! i still want to know what you and spencer are up to anyway!

LOVE YOU! SOO CUTE! your kids are DARLING as always!

Rachelle said...

YAY! Katie it is about time ha ha...Little Lukers is such a cutie, he makes me laugh so hard too:)

Annie said...

I'm very proud of you my friend...keep up the good work!

brooke romney said...

Those are so cute. I wish I lived by mom--she always takes such great photos. Lukers looks more like Ezzie in his smiling picture!

Shanna said...

it's ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! GEESE KATIE. I cannot belirvr how fast luke has grown. what a cutie. keep the pics coming! call me. lets get together soon.

Courtney said...

Wahoo! Welcome back!

Luke is so cute!