Monday, May 7, 2007

On April 16, Ezra turned two years old! Ezra had a great birthday. We started the celebration on April 7, with a joint birthday party with his cousin Camden (his birthday is on the 15th) because Camden's mom had a baby (baby Beckitt) on Ezra's real birthday. Ezra got tools from his cousins Hunter, Gage the little guy in the picture), and Ashlyn and he was so excited. That was his favorite present. He had to open it right away and play with all the tools and even wear the outfit. He wanted tools so that he could help his daddy fix stuff.


Lance and Em said...

Katie- I can't believe how cute your family is and how big Ezra is getting. Too much fun!


Heather said...

I can't believe how old he is! that is just seriously crazy!